Thursday, July 29, 2010

In your own way...

We live in a world of wannabes',always trying to be like someone else.We always have our idols,parent,friend or any random guy/girl,whom we adore and try to acquire some of their best qualities.This is what makes us unique, cause what we are is a blend of our own qualities and those which we acquire(and there can be no-one else with just the same perfect ingredients).

I think only 'ADAM and EVE' were unique in a true sense(cause they had no-one to look upto) all are just mixtures.There's nothing wrong in this,everyone wants to be the belle of the ball.We come across a person(ofcourse not talking about the nondescript)and suddenly the butterflies in our stomach go crazy,we try to copy that person and in someway or the other we do acquire some of the qualities.Soon the butterflies are in a slumber and then again someone else comes.Life is all about changes,as you all know stagnant water gets rotten.
While reading all this some people might have just crossed you mind,who you want to be like,and believe me or not you are on the right path.
We are all unique,just like everyone else(Copied,and in some way or the other someone will look upto you,cause we all are perfect "In our own ways.."!
Ps:-I love my Bed...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What life is all about!

Lying in bed,totally relaxed,no worries,you just stare at the ceiling and multiple thoughts cross your mind.You start to think about your life,your family,your friends,just lying their you start scrolling through you past,all the good thing the bad and the worst dance around you and still in that in that quiet moment you live them once again,you laugh at your problems and suddenly they all fade away,what is left are your memories,you begin to miss your friends and your even foes.
This is what makes life complete.People say "you should learn from other's mistakes",i say"make your own mistakes yaar!".Life is short,live every moment,make your mistakes,at least this way you will have something to remember on your death bed(lol).Problems are problems only till you face them after that you laugh at them.Don't believe me...Just think about the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you...
Dude stop reading "think"...shockingly you will see a smile on your face..this is what life's all about.ENJOYING.
We can't make everyone happy at the same time,its the law of nature;you all know "energy is conserved"
so don't worry about it and don't try to please everyone around you.I don't know the key to success but the key to failure is "TRYING TO PLEASE EVERYONE"!
Don't be a failure.
Someway or the other good things happen to you;you just need to look beyond your imperfections.
This is all what i wanna say.
PS:-Just lying in bed really makes you think..!:D