Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The day you DIE !

Living in the shades of gray, no rationality, no logic,
clouded with emotions, you fight to find a way; a way to
take you to your destined path. Unanswered questions, half
truths,won't do any good.This self-inflected dementia has
to be cured.

Destiny,call it own-made or Scripted needs to be found.
Call it "Confusion" or "Intellectual Creativity" both need to
be Cleared.
Just so you can afford to, doesn't mean you should.

The day you question your Existence is the day u DIE.
U die, to rise again , like a phoenix rises from its own burnt
ashes giving life to a "new itself". You realise what you
were meant to do and you rise above this mediocre world of
yours.You Start living your life and set an example for this
world to follow.
And as Victor Frankl said
" What men actually needs is not a tensionless state but
rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy
of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at
any cost, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be
fulfilled by him."

You Learn to live and the day u DIE, is the day you're BORN.

Monday, June 13, 2011


And once again he sat in his room,thinking;

Why do things feel so different now??

What changed??

Scratching his head over some old memories,sitting alone
in the dark,he feels nostalgic,thinks of all that he did
and all that could've been done,he's sad,misses his
friends,he feels lonely.
He wonders how life was so great,how innocent relations
used to be,how pure and true friendship was.

Why it's all so complicated now??

We used to be peas in a pot,when did power and money and
fame became an issue??

Sitting there he wonders Maybe this is what growing up
is all about."Plasticity" is the only truth left.
and maybe "Growing Up",the only option.
Wishing is Wasting,he now believed.

With Tear-blinded eyes he goes to sleep leaving his
adolescence behind,still yearning for those days
where friendship was pure and love was all that we needed.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Forging Relations !

Ahhhhhhhh...ever felt the Chaotic Butterflies in your stomach go crazy when you see someone, the sudden aroma mesmerizing you and leaving u Drooling, the Skies changing color to a more romantic note;*sigh*
Why am i even asking???
Everyone feels it at some point or the other.
The very feeling called LOVE.
Yes, my friend you are love sick!
U have this strange liking for someone, u can't describe it, u can't accept it, u can't deny it, Its always there, its ineffable, its Godly.
It drives u crazy, u stop eating, u stop sleeping it makes u ecstatic.
U can't ignore it, how can u ignore something which is always there..!!

The feeling snowballs itself and finally u decide to do something about it.
The very first step is "LYING",yessss u lie, u try to impress the "ONE". Even your moral gray area becomes colorful. :D

All of a sudden u have a silver tongue, u seem to agree with him\her at every possible instance. Everything else seems hollow, all your victories, accolades seem like fool's gold. Every word from him\her hugs you, even a simple touch sends chills down your spine and even a single word of praise for u feels like heaven.
"Being on cloud nine", now u know what it means!
You know he\shes the one for U.
After a long list of lies, praises, heart rushes, sleep deprivation, hunger strikes finally the D-day comes, U NEED TO SPIT YOUR HEART OUT, but u fall back!
U can't find the courage, u have your tongue tied.
Negativity sweeps in bringing sadness and depression alongwith it.
I believe in the saying "If it’s meant to be, it will happen just the way you want it to be"...*phew* feels so relieved to leave everything on fate.
All the burden gone, GOD will do it for u.

Mind you he's got problems of his own.

Multiple thoughts cross your mind addling you.
Believe me friends, maybe fate bought you two together and maybe relationships are made in heaven but we are the ones who FORGE them cause if you don't it will all melt away.
All the Faith in this world won't help you.
Deep inside you know this but in the end the question still remains
"Do you have the Guts to listen to your heart?? "
Think about it!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Identity Crisis!

Are you Happy with yourself,the way you are,the way you react,the way
you treat someone??Sometimes these questions pop up in your mind and
you start to think;and mind you no-one's perfect,u see your potholes,ur
solecism,ur deliquencies,ur wrongdoings.
But wat do u do then??
Rectify them
just let them be.

After all "I am What i am".
When u are done with the soulsearching,scrolling through your
memories,u r still in a state of dilemma...thinking about ur previous
mistakes and how things would have been different;somewhere inside u
know u are wrong.
But why should i change,y should i care if someone's hurt,I am unique i
won't change myself. Ur ego,ur arrogance comes in the way;
Let me tell you ur ego eats u from the inside,one nerve at a time,and u
are left alone.
U can't laugh, u can't enjoy,u can't accept,even with hundreds of
people around you u are lonely. U find faults in Everything and
Everyone.Your EGO Shadows everything.
As time passes,u are desolated,Broken.
U need someone to talk to,u want to tear urself apart,and start over
again.But its too Late!
U drown in your own tears.

U are despirited,but god grants u a second chance,u rise to start
You are a whole new person now,u don't feel so lonely,u start admiring
things. U feel alive.
U love ur new profile and u don't want to repeat the same mistakes that
u made in the past,but somewhere inside lies ur untamed
doppleganger,finding the smallest reason to bubble up.
And it happens,u struggle to keep it down,and then the question pops up
"Who I Really Am??"
Identity crisis happens.
U can't sleep at night trying to figure urself out.Is it really me??
The question haunts u.
*Sigh*Believe me its not worth going back,its not worth the efforts u
made to be who u are now.
Our personality is like a key for a lock,only one fits in!
We keep on trying different keys but only one gets in.
U know something your heart knows what it wants. Whenever u are at such
a crossroad, JUST LISTEN carefully to ur heart and u'll What's Worth
and What's Not!