Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just something..

Well there are many things in life which don't happen as we wish them to,just remember its your life,u r the main character in it,so how can anything bad happen to you.
Everything has its reason,you just need to find it.
For those who have or have been betrayed or back stabbed or anything-Remember the earth is round,after 365 days it comes back to its original position but a lot has changed during the course,so never make fun of anyone and never hurt anyone cause u don't know when his turn will come and life has its own ways of teaching lesson and u'll surely not like to learn it the hard way.
Sometimes people ask me that why should we pray?what will i get?
for them-"God repays" he keeps no debt..and you know what there are no accidents in life;"COINCIDENCES" are god's way of giving u what u deserve and to repay for your prayers.
"There are no unanswered prayers,sometimes the answer in no".

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